Monday 17 September 2012

Virtual Classroom?

Have you ever thought of being able to teach or learn while you are just laid-back at home, when you have free time and you can do it whenever and wherever you wish without any impediment. With virtual classrooms, you do not have to be in such a hurry to go to the physical classroom, but it can be done in your cozy living room. 

Having said that, WizIQ is the right platform to make this happen. It is a web-based virtual learning site that offers you a virtual classroom environment, just like your physical classroom but it is just even better. Why am I promoting WizIQ audaciously? Because the je ne sais quoi of this teleconference site is beyond the prototypical of the chalk-and-board dogma. In addition, the utilization of this technology makes you realize that education is boundless. In fact, you are able to connect with the whole world; because that is your audience.

WizIQ also has some great features like
  • Enables you to record your teaching for future reference
  • Synchronous (i.e. real time) or Asynchronous (i.e. self-paced) formats.
  • Whiteboard or anything else you may find in a real classroom but it just goes virtually

WizIQ is also a great platform for you to practice your teaching skills, because you can just register as a teacher and there you go! In fact, I have been teaching on WizIQ for quite some time and I am in love with this thingamagic. Moreover, you can be a paid teacher on WizIQ.

Please watch this video to get the gist of what virtual classroom is, specifically intended - WizIQ.

My WizIQ Page
Written by,
Muhamad Farid.


  1. You're really talented, Farid. I sure will go through your page :-)

  2. I think this a fantastic idea! This can actually be sort of like our pre-practical as we could get the gist of how teaching would be. As for some us who actually have not experienced teaching in a real classroom environment, this could be the stepping stone for us and build up some confidence while doing so!
