Tuesday 18 September 2012

A Good Storyboarding Tool

Hello everyone!

Storyboard That is a nice storyboarding tool that I just found which can be used in our teaching process in the future. Storyboard That provides you with three frame and six frame templates in which you can create your story. To help you create your story Storyboard That provides dozens of scenes, characters, and text bubbles to fill your storyboard's frames. Each element that you drag into your storyboard's frames can be resized, rotated, and repositioned. As a future educators we can use this storyboard instead of using the e-books.

Storyboard That could be a good tool for students to use to create simple cartoon stories. Students can also use Storyboard That to create outlines for longer creative writing projects or to script videos they're producing. This storyboard free plan allows you to save three projects per day. You only need to register on the site to save your work.

So what do you think? 
till the next post :)


  1. this is interesting and it can actually help in developing students' creativity as well as teachers'. nice finding :)

  2. This is sooooo COOOOOLLLL :DDDD
    I think this is very convenient to help us making lesson plan. When we are in class and not sure what to do next, all we have to do is just look at the boxes instead of skimming back our lengthy sentences in our lesson plan, right guys?
