Sunday 14 October 2012

Smartpen? Really?

I was googling in a middle of the night when I saw this interesting technology. It's a smartpen! What? U knew about it already? Well, just pretend this is your first time of reading it (lol).

What I am about to tell u is about a smartpen, so called "Livescribe Pulse Smartpen". This pen has all it takes in taking notes in class. 

It basically has a computer memory where it simply recorded everything. With this smartpen, we can easily make notes and can review it back because at the tip of the pen, there is a small camera where it recorded everything we just wrote. 

Not only we can record our written notes, but we can also record audio using the smartpen. It was really cool because a microphone is embedded in the pen and its quality is so high and we can record our voice clearly and crisp. If we want to replay our recording, just tap on it, and there u go! It is as easy as that.

To make things easier, I have provided a video for you guys to watch. (in case u are a visual learner, I hope this video is really helpful for u)

thank u for spending ur time reading this.. and if u also watch the video, double thanx :) but if u just watch the video without reading it, I also would like to thank u :)


  1. Haha. By just looking at the font, immediately I know it is you.You really need to change this type writer font Syira. Btw, before this I always imagine that a smart pen should be used with a tablet or something but I guess this smartpen can be used on normal paper.I wonder if they have this smartpen in pink

  2. Let her lah Mufidah, It' her identity, just like you with your pink color :P
    This is cool, I wonder if people use it to cheat in exam :P
