Monday 22 October 2012

Pingu and Skittles


I love YouTube watching. I think it's one of the most interesting things you can do while surfing the Internet after social networking.

Before this, I never know what is stop motion and I never even know that it exists. Fortunately, with YouTube watching, I finally know about this.

For those who do not know, here I provide a direct quotation from Wikipedia:

"Stop motion (also known as stop frame) is an animation technique to make a physically manipulated object appear to move on its own."

In simple words, stop motion is a collection of pictures that are run in sequence to form animation.

Here's an example of a stop motion video, which I find is very cool, and hard to make :)

Amazing isn't it? and she did it all by herself! :D

I'm planning on making one stop motion video one day for fun (I just don't know when I'll have the free time).

Here's another stop motion video made by the same YouTuber: A Skittles Commercial

Again, fascinating right?! I bet making stop motion is way more difficult than watching it. Then again, you should all start browsing stop motion videos in YouTube, you'll be surprised! :D

Plus, there's nothing you could lose right?

That's all from me. Bye bye !

Oh, before I forget, do you know that cartoon like Pingu is also a stop motion? 


  1. Wow, Sakinah. This is a very interesting finding. Yeah, I bet it must be hard to make a one stop motion video by ourselves but hey, we can try, rite? Hehe..
    I used to watch Pingu back when I was in secondary school (LOL) and I always wonder why does the animation look weird? Now I know why.

    1. My father said that they use clay, and they move the clay and take pictures, but I think now people have animation software that has clay effect. So they don't have to waste time moving the clay and taking pictures. They can just make it using the software, I guess. Have you watched a few stop motion videos yet? You can share with me your favourites :D

    2. the moving object is from a compilation of pictures?

  2. I remembered we watch the stop-motion make-up commercial together last year.I was so shocked at that time that I never thought that she did all the shooting by herself alone.Taking all the shots,changing positions and making sure everything is fine.So impressive!Need a lot of hard work!

    1. We did? When? Sorry, I have memory loss. :P

  3. wow. it's time & energy-consuming! haha
    i wonder how people move the clay for pingu..?

    1. | think they use animation software. Otherwise, I dont think it will be perfect right?
