Monday 19 November 2012


It slithers around you...
Whoops! Did I get your attention with Miss Nagini? Oh, who's she? She's Nagini and if the image above reminded you of an awesome movie series then yes, it's from Harry Potter. Nagini, it's a snake or to be precise, a boa, and yes, it is a 'she'. She can be considered as one of the antagonists in the Harry Potter series. She is the loyal pet of the Dark Lord, Voldemort. Wow, he got an exotic taste for a pet! I won't be keeping a snake in the near future, no thank you!

If you guys are familiar with Harry Potter, Nagini also serves as one of Lord Voldemort’s Horcruxes. Horcrux is an item where Voldemort split his soul into. Basically, to kill him, you have to kill Nagini first and the other Horcruxes! Good luck with that!

Oh? What does this have anything to do with today’s post? It’s everything about that particular female snake of course! Nagini or any serpent-like creatures in the Harry Potter world speak in a special language called Parseltongue. Let’s all learn how to talk like them, shall we? I got just the right website for you to start your journey to be a reptilian being!

Clicky ---> [The Parselmouth]

You can just type any kinds of sentences and the website will translate your words into Parseltongue (the language of snake) and voilà! Be careful though, the volume is quite high and for a first timer, it might come out as a shock scare to you! So be careful, I don’t want you guys to wet your bed or getting a heart attack now! I can say it’s downright creepy to listen to how J.K. Rowling interprets snakes ‘talking’.

Now, now! Don’t be shy with Nagini, she’s bored and let’s chat with her to accompany her lonely soul? Ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss /bites tongue/ Ouch! :(


  1. Oh no,I'm not a fan of Harry Potter and obviously I don't know Nagini. However, I'm interested to chat with Nagini in her snake language.

    1. Awww, Miss Nagini will be sad but she will understand :D
