Monday 26 November 2012

Editing Photo is Funia! :D


I shared a picture on Facebook with my friend and she posted the same picture to me except that the picture is edited with really cool style. 

I asked her what software did she use and she said PhotoFunia and I immediately googled it.
Some of you may have found this website before but for those who never found it, here's the link:

It's a very instant (I'm serious) photo editing website with various patterns of effects and filters. Usually people use this software for fun because some of the effects are cool and some are super funny. Here's all the pictures that I've edited just now.

Puzzle Effect

 Photobooth  Effect

 Burning Photo Effect
I put cockroach because I just HATE it! (You can put your ex's pic if you want LOL)

 Kitty Effect 
(Meow, I'm hungry!)

Hey, you can even create a calendar with it!

 Aqua Filter

Girl's Dream Filter

There are like gazillions more effects available and you all can check them yourself. 
You can even put your face on Kirsten Stewart face and pretend to be Robert Pattison's girlfriend. HAHA :D

Happy editing, tata!


  1. I like it when u burn the cockroach! Muahahahaha! I just love the aqua filter one..

    1. You should try edit one at the website. It's very exciting!

    2. I love the puzzle effect the most.Oh yeah..everyone has started to edit pictures crazily nowadays..haha :)

    3. there's many other cool effects, Mufidah. You should check them out :D

  2. Another great find, Sakinah <3

    1. same goes to u on our parody video, hehehe :P

  3. wow... cool effects. someone can surely use that burning effect for their enemies. *evil laugh*
