Saturday 10 November 2012

Let's share something different this week, shall we? I've been reading through forums about floriography. It is a language of flower in which all the flowers in the world bring about a message of their own. A flower arrangement of different flowers can bring a certain meaning into thoughts!

As you know, white roses are meant for friendship and they also represent honour and reverence. Japanese people, especially, are very fond of floriography. Like they say, we Asians are artful. You can do your own research about this, maybe you can give hidden messages to your friends by giving them a certain flower.

They labelled the meanings of the flowers through its natural arrangement of the flower on the plant's stalk, folds of its petals, the colour, the display of its flowers, the overall appearance of the plant, myths about the flowers and smell (if the flower produces smell).

Here is a few examples, these flowers' meanings are in the context of Japanese people.

Chrysanthemum (菊) - Truth and innocence

Pasque (翁草) - Seek nothing

 Marigold (金盏花) - Despair

Bellflower (竜胆) - Those who grieve are loved

Lily-of-the-Valley (马酔木) - Sacrifice, danger, pure love

Camellia (椿) - Noble reason

Iris (菖蒲) - Courage

Bird of Paradise (极楽鸟花) - Everything is obtained

White Poppy (白罂粟) - Oblivion

Daffodil (水仙) - Mystery and egoism

Yarrow (锯草) - Fight to the death

Thistle (蓟) - Vengeance, strictness and independence

Snowdrop (待雪草) - Hope



  1. If paei is in this class, she'll definitely love ur post, she LOVES flowers :D.

    Btw, nice post, even I myself never thought of flowers this way LOL :D

  2. Isn't the flower "Lily-of-the-Valley (马酔木)" is the same flower from the movie called Pontianak Harum Sundal Malam? Hehe..
    It's good to see all those nice flowers. This is a new info for me. Thanx, friend.
    If I get any of those flowers, I don't know what to do with them. Probably I will just let it die coz I don't really like flowers. Haha.

    1. Haha, for you Shira, I suggest him to buy you only plastic flower as the flower will not die forever or even wilt.
