Monday 10 December 2012

Lego Candy Machine

In The Names of Allah
Most Gracious Most Merciful

Have you ever played Lego?
Do you find it interesting?
Do you find it easy? might answer yes to all the questions but have you ever imagined making a candy machine out of the Lego?

Oh well,only creative and smart people can do that.
However, we as the user get the benefits from the invention.

It's so cool to have this cute candy machine.I bet that those who hate candy will love candy after seeing this machine.

Now, we can see that  Lego is not just a game but you can turn it into something more interesting with your creativity. :)


  1. That is the most coolest superb thing I have ever seen! (yeah, now I'm exaggerating)

  2. He built it when he was 12???!! WOW, he is GENIUS!!!! Even when I watched the video I still cannot understand the mechanism. That's why I dont take Engineering. HEHEHEHE :D

    1. Yeah..that's why we are teachers.Proud to be one.:)
